A Guide to Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of Southwest Virginia
This book is a picture guide to fossil plants and a few fossil marine organisms found in close association with the coal measures in the central Appalachian region. The fossils are sorted by groups and the specimens sampling site locations are listed by coal seam horizon and geographic location. Short descriptions of each group of fossil types are provided, as well as explanations of the different groups of plants in as close to layman’s terms as possible. This publication has been designed with the armature (rock hound) as well as a virtual guide for the more advanced collectors. There are 71 plates and over 300 pictures and illustrations majority of which are in full color.
“I want to thank My wife, Beth, for her patience and tolerance for the numerous boxes of fossil specimens in our home. She was very relieved when I donated the collection to a Museum.”
“Fossil plants can be preserved in a variety of ways. Most commonly the shape of the plant is impressed into the sediment.”
“Throughout the book there are comparisons made between fossil and present day plants to aid in the interpretation of structures observed in the extinct plants.”
This book is a picture guide to fossil plants and a few fossil marine organisms found in close association with the local measures in the central Appalachian region. The fossils are sorted by groups and the specimens sampling site locations are listed by coal seam horizon and geographic location. Short descriptions of each group of fossil types are provided. This publication has been designed with the amateur (rock hound) as well as a virtual guide for the more advanced collectors. Explanation of the different groups of plants in as close to layman's terms as possible. 71 Plates and over 300 pictures and illustrations, the majority of which are in full color.
“I want to thank My wife, Beth, for her patience and tolerance for the numerous boxes of fossil specimens in our home. She was very relieved when I donated the collection to a Museum.”
“Fossil plants can be preserved in a variety of ways. Most commonly the shape of the plant is impressed into the sediment.”
“Throughout the book there are comparisons made between fossil and present day plants to aid in the interpretation of structures observed in the extinct plants.”
This book is a picture guide to fossil plants and a few fossil marine organisms found in close association with the coal measures in the central Appalachian region. The fossils are sorted by groups and the specimens sampling site locations are listed by coal seam horizon and geographic location. Short descriptions of each group of fossil types are provided. This publication has been designed with the amateur (rock hound) as well as a virtual guide for the more advanced collectors. Explanation of the different groups of plants in as close to layman's terms as possible. 71 Plates and over 300 pictures and illustrations majority of which are in full color.
“I want to thank My wife, Beth, for her patience and tolerance for the numerous boxes of fossil specimens in our home. She was very relieved when I donated the collection to a Museum.”
“Fossil plants can be preserved in a variety of ways. Most commonly the shape of the plant is impressed into the sediment.”
“Throughout the book there are comparisons made between fossil and present day plants to aid in the interpretation of structures observed in the extinct plants.”